5 Band Graphic Equalizer Circuit Diagram

This circuit is a five-band graphic equalizer mono, covering the audio frequency of 55Hz, 270Hz, 1kHz, 3.5 kHz and 12kHz. The basic difference between this graphic equalizer with other circuits, is instead of CI it uses transistors, the power supply is also special is +24 V 0-24v DC, this ensures low distortion and greater margins overload.

 Simple 5 Band Graphic Equalizer Circuit Diagram

Simple 5 Band Graphic Equalizer Circuit Diagram

List of components

R1-4-37 = 330Kohms
R2-7 = 2.2Kohms
R3 = 120Kohms
R5-6 = 6.8Kohms
R8 to 12 = 1.8KOHMS
R13 to 15 = 200Kohms
R16 = 180Kohms
R17 = 150Kohms
R18 = 1.5KOHMS
R19 to 22 = 1Kohms
R23 to 27 = 220Kohms
R28 to 32 = 15Kohms
R33 = 10Kohms
R34 = 15Mohm
R35-38 = 220 ohms 1W
R36 = 100 ohms
C1-3 = 40V 1uF
C2 = 68PF 100V
C4 = 220uF 63V
C5 = 1uF 100V
C6 = 220nF 100V
C7 = 47nF 100V
C8 = 15NF 100V
C9 = 5.6nF 100V
C10 = 47nF 100V
C11 = 15NF 100V
C12 = 4.7nF 100V
C13 = 1.5nF 100V
C14 = 470pF 100V
C15 = 68PF 100V
C16-19 = 100nF 100V
C17-20 = 470uF 40V
C18 = 4.7uF 63V
RV1 until RV5 = 50Kohms Lin.
Q1 to Q7 = BC550C


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