Test Transmitter for Radio Control Circuit Diagram

This circuit is ideal for those with radio transmitting equipment in the control frequency of 35 or 40 MHz, it is a field strength meter, it can check the output power of the transmitters, so you can detect any problems even before the equipment is used. For the test and verification of the correct operation of the transmitter R / C, it must 3 or 4 LEDs lit at a distance of 10 meters. 

The length adjustment of the antenna will allow the gauge to operate at a shorter distance.L1 must be initially set to the maximum number of lighting LEDs in a distance of 10 meters or more. Toko coil used in the circuit is no longer manufactured but the coil can be constructed at a frequency of 40Mhz.

Test Transmitter for Radio Control Circuit Diagram

Test Transmitter for Radio Control Circuit Diagram


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